Kwara Gov Marks 61st Birthday At Special Needs School - 9japarrot


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Friday 5 February 2021

Kwara Gov Marks 61st Birthday At Special Needs School

Kwara State Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq (middle) marking his 61st birthday anniversary with students of School of Special Needs, in Ilorin, on Friday

·  School gets modern learning aids, solar power


Kwara State Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq on Friday visited the state’s school of special needs where he joined students with disabilities to cut his 61st birthday anniversary, reiterating his attachment and passion to cater for underserved communities. 


The Governor then commissioned a N5 million worth of teaching aids for the students with disabilities, and pledged to continue to identify with and give them equal opportunity to succeed, as well as restore the lost glory of the education sector in the state.


The teaching aids include modern books and brail computers. 


These complement the solar energy and the recently renovated ICT centre for the school.

“This was the first point of call when our administration came in. There is always the need to remember those with special needs. I like to always identify with them. We had our first budget sitting here. We also used today’s visit to commission some projects. We have finished their computer laboratory to assist those having difficulty in hearing. We have supported the school with a solar light system for the whole school,” he told reporters.


"We just commissioned the teaching aids like brails and other materials to improve students' learning. We thank members of the public and nongovernmental bodies that have contributed to improve the facilities in the school. We appeal to our people to continue to support the school and other schools like this. We will always have to ensure that the standards of the students are improved.”


He urged parents not to despise children with any form of disabilities as they could also attain their full potentials if properly supported.

“Any child you have is a blessing from God. Places like this are to cater for them and give them the right chance to excel and contribute their quota to society. Schools like this are in all the states in Nigeria. Even the federal government intervenes in schools like this through the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC). There is also a department in the federal ministry of education that caters for this type of students in which we are engaging to get the right assistance for the school,” AbdulRazaq said.


In her address of welcome, the Principal of the school, Hajia Fausat Aroyehun lauded the uncommon support the school enjoys from AbdulRazaq's administration and his fatherly love for the children. 


"We appreciate your genuine concern for the welfare and development of our school children, and the love that prompted you to make this school your second office. Today, you have also come to open another chapter in the life history of this school by commissioning the teaching aids bought by this government," she said. 


Aroyehun requested AbdulRazaq to provide the school with a coaster bus, more hostels and laboratories for science teachings among other needs.


Mrs. Kemi Adeosun, Permanent Secretary in the state Ministry of Education and Human Capital Development, said the government procured the items to fulfil its plan to make quality learning accessible to the students.


She thanked AbdulRazaq for his efforts to transform the education sector and assured the school that her Ministry will not relent in its statutory duty of ensuring that the equipment are put to good use.

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