Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Prof. Isa Pantami Visits Gombe Governor - 9japarrot


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Friday 26 November 2021

Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Prof. Isa Pantami Visits Gombe Governor

Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya earlier today, played host to the Minister of Communications and Digital Economy,  Prof. Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami who came to commiserate with the state's chief executive over the recent political skirmishes in Gombe which led to loss of lives and destruction of property.  

Describing the incident of Friday, 5th November, 2021 as most unfortunate, the Minister offered special prayers for Allah ( SWT) to continue to guide the Governor and give him more wisdom as he leads the state to prosperity in a peaceful atmosphere.  

He said with the challenges facing the country, leaders need prayers and support to navigate through the path, commending Governor Inuwa Yahaya's  developmental strides and commitment in the State.  

Prof. Pantami also condoled with the Governor and through him, the people of the state over the death of some prominent personalities in Gombe State,  including elder statesman,  Alhaji Sani Labaran,  former provost of College of Legal and Islamic Studies Nafada,  Dr. Abdullahi Ahmad Ash-Sha'ali, Business man, Alhaji Garba Isiya Gaya among others.  

Responding,  Governor Yahaya appreciated the minister for the visit and for all that he has been doing for the development of Gombe State and Nigeria at large.  

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