Oloriegbe Equips Reconstructed Badari Health Centre - 9japarrot


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Tuesday 14 December 2021

Oloriegbe Equips Reconstructed Badari Health Centre

The chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Dr Ibrahim Yahaya Oloriegbe has yet again facilitated medical equipment worth millions of Naira to Badari Clinic and Maternity located at Badari Ward of Ilorin West Local Government.

The facilitated items through National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) were today delivered and handed over to the community as part of the efforts to make the newly reconstructed Health Center commences medical activities for the benefit of the people of the community as soon as possible.

The lawmaker while speaking through one of his aides at the handing over ceremony, Engr. Ajani Jimoh Olanrewaju expressed that his abiding effort to see that people at the grassroots have access to quality health care without stress spurred him to facilitate the items which he believed will boost service delivery of the clinic, urging the management and the community to take good care of the items.

"Medical facility without equipment is just like a vehicle without an engine, there is no way it can move. Thus, in order not to make wasteful of the effort of the Ilorin West Local Government leadership to reconstruct the health centre, I deem it fit to complement them with medical equipment which will make the centre beneficial to the people of my constituency. I, therefore, urge the management to make judicious use of the items, and I want to assure our people that we shall never relent in our efforts to give them more responsive representation that they shall be proud of.

"This is not our first intervention in Badari ward, and it won't be the last. Recently, Ecwa Secondary School located in this same ward is amongst the beneficiaries of our educational interventions where science laboratory equipment was donated to some selected schools."

Dignitaries at the brief ceremony included the Executive Secretary of Kwara State Primary Health Care Development Agency (KWPHCDA), Dr Nusirat Elelu, TIC Chairman of Ilorin West LGA, Hon. Tosho Gafar, the Alangua of Badari, Mallam Saliu Hussein Badari and others took turns to appreciate the Senator's intervention whilst urging him not to default in his representation which they acknowledged being of benefit to his constituency.

Some of the items handed over are Hospital Beds, mattresses, examination couches, suction machines, sterilizer, delivery couch, centrifuge manual vacuum, stretchers as well as Malaria RDT Kits.
Others include but are not limited to, motorbikes, generators, refrigerators, binocular microscopes, stethoscopes and a host of others. 

The event was witnessed by the APC Chieftains in the ward- Hon. Saliu Bamidele Aluko, Board Chairman Herald Printing Press, Hon.Babatunde Bamidele Aluko, Former Chairman ILWLG Alh. Amasa Aluko, community leaders, and APC  ward executive members.

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